Samantha Martineau
Professor Cripps
English 110 I
11 September 2018
Gee and Cuddy
Theorem one: You can not be half way in a Discourse, you’re in or you’re out.
- Many people disagree with this because if you look at it in a example of a water boy, is he fully on the team? Many people would say no, while others would say yes. He isn’t playing on the field but he helps the team so he is either part of that discourse or not.
Theorem Two: A Primary Discourses (initial) can be in other Discourses. Secondary Discourses (you become) can be carried out.
- The first things you learn are really in your house with your family those things will always stick with you (Primary Discourses). When you grow up and are at school, college, work, those things you learn and adapt to are the (Secondary Discourses).
- Your Primary Discourse is the things you learn off of to go out and learn you’re Secondary Discourses.
- Some people may think that your Primary Discourses stick with you your whole life and continue to help you evolve. Others think that your Primary Discourses are only the beginning until you find the Secondary ones.
Mushfake: “making do with something less when the real thing is not available” (Gee13)
- This term can connect with the Cuddy Ted talk “Fake it Till You Make it”.
- They want ““mushfaking” resisting students, full of metaknowledge”
In both Cuddy and Gee the text say that you should “Fake it Till You Make it” and “Mushfake” both of these terms mean you push yourself out of your comfort zone and act like the person you want to be and that one day you will eventually become that person. Someone that is powerless can become powerful.
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