One thing that stops a person from entering a Discourse is lack of confidence and or lack of knowledge on the topic. ““Mushfake,” resistance, and meta-knowledge: this seems to me like a good combination for successful students and successful social change” (Gee, 13). So to Gee “Mushfake” and meta-knowledge would back up a person when entering a new Discourse. This person would have everything they would need to be successful according to Gee. In regards to Gee’s statement, I agree with him. I believe that if a person has the tools they need, they can be successful in entering a Discourse.

For a person that is more hesitant to enter a new Discourse Cuddy has a tool that can help them. Because according to Cuddy “the body can shape the mind, at least at the facial level, and also that role changes can shape the mind” (Cuddy, 9:26). So when entering a new Discourse if you were to spread yourself out, for example opening up your arms, that simple trick could help you become more confident and open up in that stressful situation. I agree with Cuddy’s tool because Cuddy has evidence that this tool can work and improve someone’s performance.

Discourses can be a very controversial topic among people. One thing that many people disagree on that Gee states in his Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction is “there are no people who are partially literate or semi-literate, or, in any other way, literate but not fluently so” (Gee, 10). This topic is very controversial because many people think that you can be partly in a Discourse, but according to Gee’s statement, that is wrong. I disagree with Gee on this topic because I think that it is possible that for a person to be partly in a Discourse.

When it comes to people entering a new Discourse, it can be difficult for some people. Cuddy gives an example of this “You have people who are virtually collapsing when they come in…. it seemed to be related to the extent to which the students were participating, and how well they were participating.” (5:13;6:08). Some people when they are put in a new or uncomfortable situation they make themselves small and don’t participate because feel powerless. This can make it difficult for people to join a new Discourse and for some even make it impossible. I agree with Cuddy because I have come across multiple situations that I have been in where I make myself small because I feel powerless or not confident about the situation I am in.