
“Specifically, the Introduction defines the nature and extent of the problems studied, relates the research to previous work, explains the objectives of investigation, and defines any specialized terms or abbreviations to be used in what follows.” (Nair and Nair 18)

This statement shows specifically what should be in the Introduction of a research paper. Also, the importance of having those specific things will inform the readers at first glance.

Practices (activities)

“Methods followed should be described, usually in chronological order, with as much precision and detail as necessary.” (Nair and Nair 19)

Nair and Nair say that in the methods section of a research paper it should be in chronological order because in this way it is easier for the readers to take information from the text. The reading will be useful if it is understandable and it will be in the way that Nair and Nair discuss.


“This longitudinal case study used a variety of methods and data sources to track Eliza’s developing rhetorical understanding of scientific texts and other scientific acts.” (Haas 50)

When tracking Eliza’s progress they are going over the results of her entering a new Discourse. The understanding of the scientific text that she learns is her entering that Discourse and its traits that come along with it.


“At the college level, to become literate is in many ways to learn the patterns of knowing about, and behaving toward, texts within a disciplinary field.” (Haas 43)

Haas can connect with Gee in this quote because it is closely referring to Gee’s first theorem that says one cannot be partly literate. You have to be fully immersed in the Discourse to be in it.


Sign Systems & Knowledge


“In order to examine–and do justice to–the richness of Eliza’s undergraduate educational experience, I constructed a longitudinal narrative drawing on qualitative analysis of data from the sources described above.” (Haas 56)


Haas including longitudinal narrative drawings can show the knowledge that they are learning from observing Eliza and the process of her learning how to read the scientific text.